Indian Jewellery

Staying true to tradition: An article about how Indian jewellery is used in modern settings

Indian jewellery is known for its intricate detailing and beauty. However, in today’s contemporary world these jewellery items have managed to blend in with modern fashion statements. In this article we bring to you some of the traditional Indian jewellery that is being used in modern settings and also is available at our store in Melbourne.

1. How Indian jewellery is used in modern settings.

Since the ancient times, jewellery has always been an important part of Indian culture. In fact, the art of jewellery making was born in India. And, till today, Indian jewellery has not just survived but thrived in the ever-changing world fashion. In the past, the jewellery that was used was mainly for auspicious occasions and to show one’s social status. But, in the modern times, people have started to use jewellery for fashion and for various other reasons. Now jewellery is not just an accessory but is also used for its artistic value. People wear jewellery for various occasions, religious festivals and parties.

2. A brief history of jewellery in India.

The history of traditional jewellery is even older than the history of India. It has evolved through the ages from the ancient times to the modern era. The ancient Indian jewellery was made out of gold and silver, with precious gems and semi-precious stones. While the modern Indian jewellery is used by the modern people of India as well as the people of the West.

3. Where to buy Indian jewellery in Melbourne?

Indian jewellery is an diverse mix of traditional and contemporary style, rooted in the ancient culture of the subcontinent. This rich traditional jewellery have been passed down from one generation to the next, and now, you can use your valuable piece of Indian jewellery to modernize your look. If you are looking for some inspiration, you can buy high-quality Indian jewellery in Melbourne from Jewels of Punjab.

4. The making of a piece of traditional jewellery.

Jewellery has always been a symbol of love, faith and any other emotion that is deemed worthy of expression. In India, jewellery is the most self-explanatory symbol of culture and tradition. Whether it is a gold bangle or a pair of diamond studs, the lavishness of the jewellery speaks of the economic prosperity of the society. However, this practice is changing with the urbanization and westernization of India. Even though people still prefer to wear traditional jewellery, the demand for contemporary jewellery is also increasing among the youth. While the modern generation is keeping up with the demand, they are also making sure that they are staying true to the traditional values.


We hope you enjoyed our article on Indian jewellery. We try to make our pieces as versatile as possible, so that anyone can wear them in any way they choose. We hope you enjoyed the idea of how Indian jewellery can be used in modern settings. We hope you continue to visit our blog and check out some of our more recent articles that have been posted. Thank you for reading.

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